I turned 24 yesterday, and I've found myself reflecting on the many changes I have gone through since I entered my 20s. It has been a rollercoaster, in the lightest of terms. It seems as though it has been one thing after the next. I feel like I haven't had a break from change in a long time. And maybe it's my own fault. I have brought many of these changes upon myself. Not all of them are negative changes, either. There have been plenty of positive changes, and even the negative ones have been opportunities for me to learn and grow. That doesn't make them any easier, though. Love in your 20s is such a strange thing, and in this generation it feels almost impossible to find a genuine connection. I found love when I was 20, and I thought it was the best relationship I was ever going to have. I thought that the way I was being treated was normal and that if I wanted to be loved, I needed to accept the things that were happening and settle with this person. It took me ne...